Saturday, August 4, 2007

As the ball started rolling with the initial meet, everything is slowly (but surely) falling into place with JAM. We have zeroed in on a logo out of at least a dozen submitted by, Committee member, Andrej Bastar. Thanks, Andrej! We hope your enthusiasm and all-around goodwill infects the rest of the JAM members' roster. I will be posting the logo in here soon... as soon as I can scan it.

Let's see... we have also targetted the 9th of September as the first official jam night (or day). We will most likely start around 3 pm and gently merge into the Sunday Jazz Jam which normally starts at 6 pm. We would like to take this opportunity to get more people to sign up and get into the jazz frenzy. The last Sunday Jazz Jam that coincided with JAM's inaugural meet drew a record-breaking turnout of musos, so much so that resident jammer, David Gomes only played 3 tunes at the end of the night. And it's not a complaint by any means. It is really an affirmation that what we got started at The Top Room on Sundays is a novel idea that has brought satisfaction (and still is) to many.

So, in closing, I would like to ask you to keep tuned in to this space to watch for updates and announcements. Also, feel free to post messages, requests, suggestions, etc. right here and let us know what you're thinking. Don't want your message seen by all and sundry? Email us here.

Till then... let's keep jazz alive!