If you have a passion for jazz and want to see that it is nurtured...
If you enjoy the freedom in jazz and want to make sure that it is heard...
If you believe that jazz has the power to bring people together in a common bond...
If you have something to share in the interest of building up the Malaysian jazz movement...
...then come on the 8th of July and join JAM. Together let's stand up for jazz!
For more information, ring 016 225 4868 or 016 322 9383.
I wish I can be there, but I can't... far far away now
You have my support!!!
Chee Meng from Bangkok
hey chee meng! thanks for the support dude! we'll email you updates. btw, overseas malaysians are welcome to join. you can still do your bit for our jazz scene wherever you may be :)
can "outsider" just attend to enjoy the performance after 6pm?
just heard about this on traxx! This is great!
I'll pass the word and come if I can.
wow sounds exciting! what's gonna be happening then? :)
hey dudes! thanks for dropping by. your interest definitely gives our jazz spirits a major lift!
anon, there's no such thing as outsiders for us. all are welcome. whether it's for the meeting or the jam session thereafter.
mad mach, pass it on! pass it on! hope to meet you there!
charmayne, just come and find out on sunday lah! don't wanna spoil the fun.
thanks y'all!
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